Team members
UBB – Babes-Bolyai University

Principal Investigator
Associate professor at Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, Department of Analysis and Environmental Engineering with the habilitation degree in Environmental Science. He is author of 3 books, 1 book chapter, and over 50 scientific articles. He was involved in research projects, as manager of 4 international projects and as member in the research team of 2 international and 4 national projects. He is an active member of professional organisations: Romanian Chemical Society (vice-president of the Separation Sciences’ Section), Central European Group for Separation Sciences (CEGSS) and European Society for Separation Science (EuSSS).
Areas of interest:
- Development of analytical separation techniques for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of organic pollutants in the environment;
- Development of advanced and miniaturized techniques for extracting organic pollutants from various environmental matrices;
- Identification of pollution sources using various isomeric ratios;
- Study of the transfer mechanisms of some organic pollutants in environmental factors;
- Wastewater base epidemiology and human health risk assessment from exposure to chemicals.

Maria-Virginia COMAN
Administrative & financial responsible
Research professor at Babes-Bolyai University, Raluca Ripan Institute for Research in Chemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry. Over 30 years’ experience in developing analytical (spectroscopy, chromatography) methods for analysis and control of different classes of organic compounds from complex matrices (water and soil pollutants, natural and synthetic additives from alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, carbohydrates from vegetables, fruits and wines, pharmaceuticals from biological fluids/tissues, surface and wastewater, sediments) by various extraction techniques followed by spectroscopy and gas/liquid chromatography analysis. Author/coauthor over 100 articles (65 ISI from which 34 first/corresponding author), 4 patents, 4 book chapters (2-Taylor & Francis – single author, 2-Elsevier – first and corresponding author), 2 books published in country, over 200 poster and oral communications in country and abroad, over 20 invited plenary/keynote lectures. Director of 25 national and 1 international projects and co-director of 1 international projects. Coordinator of BBU unit from CEEPUS network (CII-PL-0004/2009–2011, CIII-PL-0706/2012–2018). Gheorghe Spacu Award of the Romanian Academy (1998); Awards received nationally [Gheorghe Spacu (2011) and Petru Poni (2019) diplomas and medals from the Romanian Chemical Society, RChS) and internationally (diploma and medal of the Central European Group for Separation Sciences (2012)]. Member with executive functions in professional associations at national (Separation Sciences’ Section of RChS – president) and at international (Central European Group for Separation Sciences, CEGSS – general secretary; European Society for Separation Science, EuSSS – RChS representative) level.

PhD, Researcher (chemistry)
He holds a PhD in Chemistry since 2000, with a doctoral thesis concerning investigation of toxic industrial chemicals chlorine and phosgene using ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) and mass spectrometry (MS). With over 25 years of experience as a researcher, of which 4 years abroad (United Kingdom and Germany), Dr. Bocoș-Bințințan possesses a consistent & internationally validated expertise in modern analytical techniques for trace detection of chemicals, such as: time-of-flight IMS and aspiration IMS and related hyphenated techniques like IMS/MS & GC/IMS; DMS (differential mobility spectrometry) and GC/DMS; mass spectrometry and GC/MS; photoionization detection PID. He is experienced in instrumental analysis, environmental sampling and analysis. His publication record summary: 2 international patents in the IMS field; 3 books (monographs) published in Romania and covering the IMS topic; 24 articles indexed in the Thomson ISI Web of Science; 24 articles published in Romania; 23 communications and posters (of which 14 presented abroad). His main research fields are related to: trace detection of toxic industrial compounds TICs and simulants of chemical warfare agents CWAs; detection of illicit drugs’ precursors, solvents & reagents; bacterial strains discrimination by monitoring their specific volatile metabolites; detection of VOCs in human breath (breath analysis); studies of the chemical profile generated by living humans trapped under collapsed building (the USaR EU project); design and construction of a new, innovative interface for improving the selectivity & sensitivity of IMS detection by injecting dopants inside an IMS cell using piezoelectric actuators (with 2 patents issued); contraband prevention by product labelling. He is affiliated to the British Royal Society of Chemistry (associate member, AM RSC) and to Romanian Society of Chemistry.

CUCOȘ Alexandra
PhD, Researcher (physics)
Senior scientific researcher Ird degree, 42 years old, Eng. physics, Ph.D., with experience in radon research, development, management and high-level consulting provided to the Romanian government, accumulated in 20 years of experience through 23 research projects, 6 of which from the position of coordinator, has published 4 books, 1 good practice guide and 4 patents, and over 150 papers from which around 50 peer-reviewed articles in ISI journals with more than 550 independent citations and h-index=14. Her various areas of research are dealing with the mitigation and implementation of the national legislation HG No. 526/25.07.2018 adopted as a consequence of Directive Euratom 59/2013.

PhD Student / Senior chemist engineer
Inorganic synthesis of materials with optical and catalytic properties; Chemical processes monitoring by physicochemical analysis; Characterization of inorganic and organic materials using specific analysis techniques: Thermal and Evolved Gas Analysis (TGA/SDTA; EGA); Differential Calorimetry (DSC); Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR); Specific Surface Area (BET) and Porosity; Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) for quantitative elemental analysis and Spectrofluorometry for the identification of fluorescent species in liquid and solid phase.

FILIP Miuța Rafila
PhD, Researcher (chemistry)
Analytical chemistry analysis using modern techniques: HPLC, TLC; OPLC, SPE, GC-MS, GC-FID, FT-IR, UV-Vis for identification and separation of different classes of compounds (drugs, purine compounds, carbohydrates, bioactive compounds, food additives, residual monomers; pollutants) from complex matrices. Physico-chemical analyzes and FT-IR monitoring of chemical reactions; Synthesis and characterization of new chemically modified chromatographic materials for thin layer chromatography.

VLASSA Mihaela Cecilia
PhD, Researcher (chemistry)
Senior scientific researcher IIIrd degree, 57 years old, chemist, Ph.D., with experience in laboratory analysis, development of new analytical methods: chromatographic (HPLC, OPLC, TLC), spectroscopic (FT-IR, UV-VIS) and expertise in the analysis of different compound classes (pesticides, carbohydrates, anthocyanins, organic acids, carotenoids, tocopherols, amino acids, antioxidant capacity, purine derivatives, dyes, antibiotics, Cinchona alkaloids, etc).

CADIȘ Adrian-Ionuț
PhD, Researcher (chemistry)
Specific skills in basic and applied research related to: Solid State Chemistry with application in the field of materials with optical and catalytic properties; Methods of investigation for material characterization and monitoring of chemical processes i.e. thermal analysis, elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, luminescence spectroscopy, NMR spectrometry, electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, etc.; Recovery of precious metals.

FRĂTEAN Cristina Laura
Laborant (chemistry)

Name Goes Here
PhD Student/ Laborant
Bachelor and master degree in Environmental Science. PhD student in Environmental Science at BBU. Areas of interest: Analytical separation techniques used for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of organic pollutants in the environment; Studies of hystorical POPs pollution of environment based on radoinuclide dated sediments, Identification of pollution sources using various isomeric ratios.

PAP István Mihály
PhD Student
Bachelor’s and master degree: Environmental Science, PhD student in Environmental Science at BBU. Areas of interest: screening measurements with passiv detectors for radon all in buildings; Investigation and diagnostication of buildings to determine the radon mitigation; active measurements to establish radon concentration in real time and on the spot or for a longer period of time; radon soil measurements to determine the radon potential of the land; ionizing radiation risk assessments.

HERGHELEGIU Mihaela Cătălina
PhD Student