Team members
Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale
KOZAK Iuliu Horațiu
Project partner responsible
Sociologist. Degree in Sociology (1997), Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj, MA in European Cultural Anthropology (1999) and PhD in Sociology (2013, with the thesis Morality of Abundance. Landmarks in social research of food consumption in post-socialist Romania) at the same university . Areas of scientific interest: intercultural relations, consumption and ethnicity, anthropology and economic sociology, studies on nationalism. He has participated in several national and international projects focused on research on marginal Roma communities, such as Sparex – the spatialization and racialization of social exclusion. Formation of Roma ghettos in Romania / 2010, FemRom – Roma women on the Romanian labor market / 2008-2010, Socioromap – mapping Roma communities in Romania / 2015, WE – Worlds that exclude / 2012. He has published, among others, articles on Roma representation in the Romanian media, on Roma participation in the labor market, on ethnic discourse and housing policies at local and national level.
TOMA Ștefania
Sociologist and anthropologist. Areas of scientific interest: anthropology of ethnic minorities and interethnic relations, migration, economic anthropology and sociology of education. His research combines quantitative and qualitative methods, he has experience in field research in various Roma communities, respectively multiethnic communities in Transylvania. Currently an alternate member of the management committee of the ETHMIGSURVEYDATA COST Action 16111 International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities’ Survey Data Network program. In recent years he has participated in several international and national projects focused on various social processes in Roma and multiethnic communities (eg ERC HOMInG, MigRom, SocioRoMap). The most recent publication is a volume co-edited with Maria Manuela Mendes and Olga Magano at Springer Publishing House entitled: Social and Economic Vulnerability of Roma People. Key Factors for the Success and Continuity of Schooling Levels (2021).
PhD, Researcher
Social anthropologist. He studied at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj (BA and PhD in Philology), Central European University in Budapest (MA in Studies in Nationalism), and at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle, Germany (PhD in Ethnology / Social Anthropology) . His area of expertise includes Roma culture and society in Europe, the anthropology of religion, the study of ethnic relations, social transformation and migration. He made ethnographic ground in Roma, Romanian and Hungarian speaking communities in Transylvania. During 2011-2015 he worked as secretary of the European Academic Network for Rome Studies (, a joint initiative of the European Commission and the Council of Europe, and continues to coordinate the network as a volunteer. Author of the volumes Ritual Revitalization after Socialism: Community, Personhood, and Conversion among the Roma in a Transylvanian Village, Münster: LIT, 2009; and Collection of studies on Roma in Romania, ISPMN – Kriterion, Cluj-Napoca 2009.
KISS Tamas
PhD, Researcher
Sociologist, researcher, MA in Sociology (2000) and PhD in Cultural Studies (2010). The most important areas of research: ethnic policies, ethnic inequalities and stratification, ethnic demography, developmental discourse (both global and national perspective). Articles and studies in English published in Nationalities Papers, Problems of Post-Communism, Chinese Journal of Sociology and East European Politics and Societies. As coordinator and author, he published, among others, the volume Unequal Accommodation of Minority Rights: Hungarian in Transylvania, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
KORMOS Katalin
Assistant researcher
Higher studies in Sociology. Researcher and head of the Documentation Center at the same institute. He specialized in the study of the rights of national minorities, in particular in the field of enforcement of legislation on the rights of minorities in public administration. Another area of research in which he works is the functioning of the institutional sphere of minorities. He gained a rich experience in statistical analysis, in the analysis of spatial data, in the editing of ethnic and demographic maps, the coordination of sociological surveys.