A support tool model for decision making to reduce the health risk associated with the uncontrolled water and food sources in rural Roma communities in Transylvania
Roma community is the largest ethnic minority from Europe, between 10 and 12 million, of which about 4 million live in Central and Eastern Europe, most in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia, being one of the most disadvantaged communities in Europe regarding the access to education, medical services, integration into society, equal opportunities, and labour market.
The project aims to create a support tool model consisting in a friendly working software, useful for the decision-making by public institutions and local public authorities, and a model of best practice hygienic-sanitary guidelines to enhance human health in Roma communities in Transylvania and to implement best practices, including personal hygiene, to increase the assessment and management capacity in reducing the health risk by insuring the safety of water and food sources, based on the recommendations provided by the Norwegian partner.
RomaHealthRisk is an interdisciplinary project, in which specialists in analytical chemistry, biology, public health, gastroenterology, epidemiology, informatics, statistics work together. The results are expected to be an important step forward in reducing health inequalities between Roma and non-Roma communities and can be included in the National Roma Integration Strategy.
Project detail
TITLE: A support tool model for decision making to reduce the health risk associated with the uncontrolled water and food sources in rural Roma communities in Transylvania (RomaHealthRisk)
Budget: 5.624.166,88 Lei equivalent of 1.163.990,00 Euros of which 85% (4.780.541,85 Lei) Norway grants contribution and 15% (843.625,03 Lei) public co-found (UEFISCDI)
Project coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Habil. Mihail Simion BELDEAN-GALEA, Babes-Bolyai University
Proiect finanțat din fondurile Programului Cercetare asociat Granturilor Norvegiene (Norway Grants) 2014-2021 și administrat de UEFISCDI.
Granturile Spațiului Economic European (SEE) și Norvegiene reprezintă contribuția Islandei, Principatului Liechtenstein și Regatului Norvegiei la reducerea disparităților economice și sociale în Spațiul Economic European și la consolidarea relațiilor bilaterale cu cele 15 state beneficiare din Estul și Sudul Europei și statele baltice.
Aceste mecanisme de finanțare sunt stabilite în baza Acordului privind Spațiul Economic European, ce reunește statele membre UE și Islanda, Liechtenstein și Norvegia ca parteneri egali pe piața internă.
Mai multe detalii despre Granturile SEE și Norvegiene și rezultatele obținute sunt disponibile la www.eeagrants.org, www.norwaygrants.org și data.eeagrants.org.